Inglewood is on the Move!
The ITC will provide a convenient and reliable connection for local residents and visitors from across the region to the Metro K Line. The City of Inglewood is the fastest growing housing and employment centers in Los Angeles County and is poised to link its world-class sports and entertainment destinations to the Greater Los Angeles region via world-class transit.
The approximately 1.6 mile fully elevated, automated transit system is designed to carry up to 7,000 to 11,000 passengers per hour and provide residents and visitors with a state-of-the-art transit.
The ITC is a key element of the City’s vision for a revitalized Inglewood. It will provide an efficient and environmentally friendly connection to the region’s premier sports and entertainment venues and greater access to the Metro rail system for Inglewood residents ensuring that the City’s growth is supported with transportation infrastructure.
Since the Rams announced their move to Inglewood in 2015, the City’s leadership has worked with the community, Metro, the State, and federal government to advance this vision.
Download Project Fact Sheet
The train will travel between three stations:
Station 1 – southeast corner of Market Street/Florence Avenue with a direct connection to the Metro K Line Downtown Inglewood station.
Station 2 – at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Manchester Boulevard providing access to Kia Forum, SoFi Stadium, and Hollywood Park.
Station 3 – located at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Hardy Street providing access to SoFi Stadium, Hollywood Park, and Intuit Dome.

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Market Street / Florence Avenue Station

Prairie Avenue / Manchester Boulevard Station

Manchester Boulevard Station

Manchester Boulevard Station

Hardy Street Station

Hardy Street Station

Reduces vehicular traffic congestion on both event and non-event days while maintaining existing roadway capacity

Connects residents and communities to local and regional jobs, education, services and destinations, and supports efforts to improve economic stability

Encourages transit as a primary mode of travel

Alleviates growing demand on Inglewood’s existing streets and roadways
The ITC Project provides new transit connectivity, traffic reduction, economic prosperity and quality of life benefits to the City of Inglewood and region.

Supports economic revitalization and redevelopment in the City of Inglewood

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions to help improve air quality

Creates a convenient and environmentally sustainable transit connection to and from Inglewood’s new major employment, commercial and activity centers
The ITC Project provides new transit connectivity, traffic reduction, economic prosperity and quality of life benefits to the City of Inglewood and region.

Reduces vehicular traffic congestion on both event and non-event days while maintaining existing roadway capacity

Connects residents and communities to local and regional jobs, education, services and destinations, and supports efforts to improve economic stability

Encourages transit as a primary mode of travel

Alleviates growing demand on Inglewood’s existing streets and roadways

Supports economic revitalization and redevelopment in the City of Inglewood

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions to help improve air quality

Creates a convenient and environmentally sustainable transit connection to and from Inglewood’s new major employment, commercial and activity centers
Hear from the Community!
Find out what the Community thinks about the ITC and its potential for Inglewood.
The ITC will allow County residents and visitors to access Inglewood’s sports and entertainment venues, housing, and commercial centers without needing to drive a car, easing traffic congestion on City streets before and after events.
Ridership is estimated to include 9.7 million boardings in the first year of operations (6.5 million event boardings and 3.2 million non-event boardings). Over the next fifty years, operation of the ITC is estimated to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by approximately 1.47 billion and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by over 1.2 million metric tons.

The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation has conducted an analysis of the economic impact the construction of the ITC is projected to have on the City of Inglewood and the County of Los Angeles. The findings detail the economic boost of the construction on the local economy, including the increase of jobs, labor income and total output.
To date, the project has already secured $1.9 billion in local, State and federal funds. The City and JPA will work to leverage those committed funds and the CIG grant to close a narrowing gap in construction, maintenance and operating costs.
The Project is working with its partners, including County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, Metro, SCAG, and USDOT To address the remaining approximately gap needed for design and construction.
The Project is now eligible for and pursing, Federal Transit Administration Capital Investment Grant Program funds by the Q1 2025.